Some headlines I noticed today
1. The consequences of not organizing:
General Motors and Union Reach Agreement on Health Care Costs
The failure to stand against concessions represents an abdication of leadership on the part of the UAW's top officers, but the concessions themselves are symptomatic of a much deeper abdication of leadership that goes back decades: the union's failure to organize the non-union plants in the south, failure to participate in a large-scale effort to organize the unorganized in other industries, and failure to develop meaningful international solidarity in the auto industry.
Walter Reuther (who wanted to retain the strategic organizing center of the CIO when the AFL and CIO merged, but was overruled by George Meany) must be turning in his grave.
2. Immigration, the Minutemen, and working in the fields:
This one speaks for itself.
3. Basing Iraqi democracy on Floridian and Ohioan democracy:
Vote Totals Under Inquiry in 12 Iraqi Provinces, Panel Says
Come to think of it, don't all of these headlines represent the consequences of not organizing? Let's get out there and hit the doors.
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